Digital Library
Your search returned 22 results
Briefportal Leibniz (Leibniz letter portal)
life time: 1646 - 1716
A collaboration between the Göttingen Academy and the SUB Göttingen, the Leibniz Letter Portal was launched as part of a pilot project in Autumn 2016. Here, selected letters of the Leibniz correspondence are made available in an html version, in context and without the chronological limitations of the printed volumes of the Academy edition.
Project is ongoing
Cataloging of Oriental Manuscripts in Germany (KOHD)
no time limit
The "Cataloging of Oriental Manuscripts in Germany" (KOHD) was founded in 1957 by Wolfgang Voigt in agreement with the German Oriental Society and at the suggestion of German Oriental Studies. It was financed by the German Research Foundation until 1989. Since 1990 it has continued as a research project of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen; the planned completion date is 2022. The task of the project is to record manuscripts in Oriental scripts and languages from German libraries and collections that have not yet been catalogued and to make them accessible in printed catalogs. Catalogs have been and are being published in the Directory of Oriental Manuscripts in Germany (VOHD), edited by the project leader on behalf of the Academy of Sciences and published by Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart. Since 2016, cataloging has been done predominantly in databases.
Project is ongoing
Deutsches Wörterbuch (German dictionary)
8th c. - 2018
The German Dictionary, founded by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, is the most comprehensive lexicographical account of the German language. It describes the vocabulary in use in the New High German written language from the middle of the 15th century to the present, including its prehistory in the older language epochs. The German Dictionary is intended for anyone who wants to learn about the usage and historical development words of German. The new edition of the work, begun in 1961 after the provisional completion of the first edition and completed in 2016, includes the letter ranges A-F, which were actually edited by the Brothers Grimm and are the most obsolete.
Digital presence
Project is finished
Die Deutschen Inschriften (The German Inscriptions of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times)
6th c. - 1650
The Göttingen Inscription Commission is part of the interacademic project “The German Inscriptions of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period” (DI). The two workplaces in Göttingen and Greifswald have so far recorded, edited and annotated inscriptions in Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The editions are published in printed form and are also available digitally in full text on the DIO portal.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
Construction time: 237 B.C. - 57 B.C.
The database includes the digital? online? Form of volumes Edfu V-VIII with more than 10,300 records, supplemented by the photoconcordance (including access to about 15,000 scanned photographs), the place name list (about 1,250 records), the word list (about 4600 of 16,000 records), and the deity list (about 9,500 records). This also includes an in-program access to the project’s word list with all spellings.
Digital presence
Project is finished
Frühneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch (Early New High German Dictionary)
14th - 17th c.
The Early New High German Dictionary describes the vocabulary of the High German language from the mid-14th to the mid-17th century. Started in the 1980s, a research project of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities since 2013, and freely accessible online since 2017, it is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2027.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
lifetime: 1777 – 1855
The digital repository lists all known letters from and to Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855). For each letter, it is indicated where the manuscript or transcriptionss thereof are located, where the letter is published in full or in part, and where it is cited. Uncertain data (e.g., missing dates and locations) have been added where possible. Currently, about 83% of the letters are print digitizations, manuscript scans, and/or complete transcriptions available for retrieval.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
Germania Sacra
6th/7th c. - 19th c.
Monastery Database: Germania Sacra provides an online database on monasteries and convents of the Old Kingdom and neighboring areas. As a scientific database, it offers regionally comprehensive basic information on monasteries and convents from the time of the founding of monastic communities until the Reformation or secularization. Digital Register of Persons: With more than 80,000 entries, the Digital Register of Persons provides information on a broad spectrum of ecclesiastical and secular persons who were important for the history of the bishoprics, monasteries and convents of the Middle Ages and the early modern period. WIAG: WIAG provides a comprehensive knowledge base for medieval and early modern research. The data corpus includes entities fundamental to the field of research, such as persons, ecclesiastical institutions, objects, and places, as well as typifying information.
Project is ongoing
Goethe-Wörterbuch (Goethe Dictionary)
Lebenszeit: 1749 – 1832
The digital version of the Goethe dictionary has been available since 2005 and was initially based on the retro-digitization of the first volumes of the dictionary. Since then, it has been continuously updated in parallel with the print version. The Goethe dictionary online is part of the dictionary network of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) and offers access beyond the dictionary articles to the full text of the Weimar Goethe edition and to the digital Faust edition. Further networking with research databases, especially those of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, is planned.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
Höfe und Residenzen im spätmittelalterlichen Reich (Courts and residences in the late medieval) empire
1250 – 1650
The Digital Handbook of Courts and Residences in the late Medieval Empire is the online edition of a print publication, which was produced between 1998 and 2011 by authors of court and residence research. It was conceptually and editorially supervised by the Residences Commission of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences. The work, which comprises about 5000 pages and several hundred illustrations, consists of more than 1000 individual articles, which are structured dynastically, topographically and factually, and are linked (or interconnected) in many ways. The topographical focus is on courts and residences of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation in the period between ca. 1200 and 1650.
Digital presence
Project is finished
lifetime: 1486 – 1541
Digital version of the Critical Complete Edition of the Writings and Letters of Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt, Part I (1507-1518). Edited by Thomas Kaufmann (ed.). Wolfenbüttel 2012. The edition offers extensive research functions with facsimiles.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
Koptisches Altes Testament (Coptic Old Testament)
4th - 15th c.
The online database provides a virtual research environment (VFU) into which scholars worldwide can feed their research results on the Coptic Bible but also on Coptic literature in general. The database is being set up in close cooperation with colleagues from the Institute for New Testament Text Research (INTF) in Münster, who are, among other things, dedicated to the Coptic tradition of the New Testament.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
Kulturzeitschriften der Jahrhundertwende
1880 – 1914
The database of turn-of-the-century cultural journals offers an insight into scientific and cultural transfer processes at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Western Europe. In the project, German, French, and Italian cultural journals were evaluated by content analysis according to perceptions that transcend national or disciplinary boundaries, and the results were indexed in a database and made publicly accessible. Based on this database, the graphic web interface KuVis was developed in the project “Digital Academy”, with a focus on cultural import and export relations, which are visualized on a map
Project is finished
lifetime: 1742 – 1799
“Lichtenberg online" makes the results of the Lichtenberg Research Center of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities available on the Web. From 1997 to 2016, scientists there worked on the scientific observations, thoughts, and remarks preserved in the estate of the Göttingen physics professor, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, known as the founder of German-language aphorism.
Digital presence
Project is finished
Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch (Middle High German dictionary)
1050 – 1350
As a period dictionary, the Middle High German Dictionary (MWB) indexes the vocabulary and word usage of the entire spectrum of German-language texts written in the period from 1050 to 1350. Besides the full text of the dictionary articles, the online version of the MWB offers additional content and possibilities. The sigles of the documents are linked to the list of sources. If a full text is available, it is possible to jump directly from the document citation to the context. By providing the digital archive of vouchers and the lemma list, which is linked to the older dictionaries of Middle High German, lexicographical material can also be viewed for those sections that have not yet been processed.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
Papsturkunden des frühen und hohen Mittelalters (Papal Documents of the Early and High Middle Ages)
1st - 13th c.
Link to project
The Regesta Pontificum Romanorum Online (RPR Online) aims to make all papal contacts up to the year 1198 accessible in a database. Using the publications of the Göttingen Papsturkundenwerk (link to and the new edition of Jaffé (3rd edition), the aim is to provide researchers with a central guide to questions of papal action from antiquity to the high Middle Ages. To date, slightly more than 6,000 registers have been made available, with a focus on the period before the 10th century. The database offers numerous search options and facilitates bibliographic access by linking to the OPAC of the Regesta Imperii ( The platform also contains retro-digitized copies of many older volumes of registers and, in some cases, images of the relevant documents.
Digital presence
Project is finished
Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde (Reallexikon Germanic Antiquity)
1st millennium B.C. - 11th/12th c.
Germanic Antiquity Studies Online (GAO) is a unique online reference representing the state of knowledge on Germanic Antiquity. Germanic Antiquity covers Germanic and Northern European cultural history from the fields of history, archaeology, philology, linguistics, art history, legal history, folklore and religious studies.
Digital presence
Project is finished
Residential cities in the Holy Roman Empire
The online portal of the project, which is currently under construction, serves the public accessibility of the research results compiled in three departments, which will be published in a ten-volume handbook. The main focus is on the analytical-systematic articles of Department I, in which the approximately 900 residential towns of the Old Kingdom are recorded as completely as possible, technically prepared for the digital offer. The following will be offered: - a comfortable full-text search with close linking of the individual articles, which will also be made available as PDF files; - a cartographic view, which allows the localization of the individual place, but also makes the spatial distribution of the residence towns visible; - a timeline, which provides information about the occurrence of residence towns at different times; - a link to the online offer of the predecessor project "Courts and Residences".
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
around 1700 – 1815
The indexing results of the "Rezensionsindex" (IdRZ18: 1988-2007) and the predecessor project "Zeitschriftenindex" (IdZ18: 1975-1986) are merged in a common database. For differentiated queries - primarily on persons, works and things - there are currently about 180,000 entries from more than 250 general and scholarly journals between 1700 and 1815 available.
Digital presence
Project is finished
Runische Schriftlichkeit in den germanischen Sprachen (Runic Writing in the Germanic Languages) (RuneS)
2nd - 15th c.
The RuneS-DB is the database of the project "Runic Writing in the Germanic Languages (RuneS)". It includes basic data and image material on European runic finds from the Younger Roman Empire to modern times; from an area from Greenland in the northwest to Istanbul and the island of Berezanj (Ukraine) in the southeast. The main areas of distribution are Scandinavia, Great Britain and Germany. The data form the basis for investigations into the formal and functional aspects of runic writing. In the course of the project research, the database is gradually growing to include data and texts on the form and function of individual runic characters and on the structure and meaning of runic texts.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
Scholarly Journals and Newspapers of the Enlightenment
18th c.
The research database "Gelehrte Journale und Zeitungen" (Scholarly Journals and Newspapers) is based on the as of yet most comprehensive systematic indexing project on German-language scholarly periodicals of the 18th century. The corpus can be searched for reviews and announcements of books, as well as for persons, institutions and events of the scholars' republic. Currently, the research database offers the possibility to narrow down a simple search using various filter functions. In addition, the journal corpus or the contemporary subject classification system can be used as direct search entry points.
Digital presence
Project is ongoing
Wortgeschichte digital
16th c. - today
Wortgeschichte digital (Word history digital) presents the German vocabulary from about 1600 to the present day in outline form. The online articles combine shorter texts in which the developments in meaning are "told" with digital access and linking options. This includes, in particular, visualizations that can illustrate lexical developments and contexts.
Project is ongoing