SAPERE XXIX: In Praise of Asclepius
- Aelius Aristides
In Praise of Asclepius. Selected Prose Hymns, eingeleitet, übersetzt und mit interpretierenden Essays versehen von Donald A. Russell / Christian Brockmann / Milena Melfi / Heinz-Günther Nesselrath / Robert Parker / Florian Steger / Michael Trapp, Tübingen 2016
In the middle decades of the second century AD, the acclaimed orator Aelius Aristides wrote a number (eight in all) of prose hymns to traditional Greek gods and thereby demonstrated that the cults of these gods had not yet become obsolete and were more than just a topic of backward-looking paideia. This volume presents four of these texts, specifically those that focus on the god of healing, Asclepius, together with a new edition of the Greek text, a new English translation with commentary, and a number of essays shedding additional light on these texts from various perspectives. All in all, the volume wants to show how in these texts of Aristides the author's rhetorical skills, his outlook on the world and his personal religiosity come together to form a remarkable whole.