About the members
About 360 scientists from all over the world belong to the Göttingen Academy. There are full and corresponding Members, divided into two classes: the Humanities and Social Sciences Class, and the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Class. Each class has up to 40 active full members and up to 100 active corresponding members. Full members aged 70 and over and corresponding members aged 75 and over are relieved of their duties and are no longer included in the class count. The classes also supplement their membership by electing scientific experts with renowned reputations in their fields.
Scientists who reside in Northern Germany can become full members. They are more closely involved in the Academy’s activities than the corresponding members. Their rights and duties include participation in the respective class and plenary meetings, in which all full members meet every two weeks during the semester. They also have the right to vote in elections and resolutions. Their duties include working together on the tasks of the Academy and contributing to its publications.
Corresponding members may reside anywhere in the world. They may attend meetings, but do not have the right to vote. In most cases, corresponding members are renowned scientists who are connected to full members through related fields of research and expand the Academy’s competence network.